• Advanced Health Care Directive
Rev. 02/26/16 download
• Forms for Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or for Durable Power of Attorney for Finances have been prepared by WashingtonLawHelp.org and can be obtained below
Rev. 11/03/23 download
• Designated Agent for Funeral Arrangement - Washington State
Rev. 02/26/16 download
• Disposition Authorization of My Bodily Remains Upon My Death - Washington State
Rev. 02/26/16 download
• Funeral And Burial Care Instructions
Rev. 11/08/23 download
• Vital Statistics
Rev. 02/25/16 download

How should Christian people prepare for death—their own and that of loved ones? No question can be more important than this, since death is the final reality of our earthly life. In "A Christian Ending", Dcn. Mark Barna and his wife Elizabeth, authors of A Christian Ending: A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition, share their knowledge and experience of end-of-life issues, as well as how to organize and prepare for a parish-directed funeral with or without the help of a professional funeral director.